Many SMEs in Africa find the going tough the first 3 to 5 years of their businesses for various reasons such as finances, lack of business model, unsupportive national
The price of a new product or service depends on a wide variety of factors. Price-setters must analyze variable and fixed cost structures, the competition, the evolution of the market,
If the 20th century was the era of abundance for African SME’s, Viffa Consult reckons that the 21st century will be that of scarcity. This article tries to analyze the
Copyright is a legal right given to the authors or creators of works. Under copyright law, the copyright owner has a number of exclusive rights including the right to publish the work, control copying,
Trade is crucial for the growth of any country more so African countries most of which envisage growing in double digits. African countries must therefore respond to local and global
Africa is developing fast, the world bank projects that by 2030 50% of the African population will be in urban areas. Most African governments cannot finance infrastructural projects to
In the late 2008 a British Company attempted to register Kikoi a a traditional coastal fabric as its trademark failed after intervention by the Kenyan Government. Thousands of East
Most people at some point in their career lives reach the crossroad of whether to work in someone else’s company or move to self employment. But for most, starting
The 21st century economy has experienced tremendous disruption in virtually all industries making some organizations obsolete while new ones come up. 21st Century companies must scan their business environment anticipate
The last few years has seen a great deal of disruption in many sectors in Africa. These disruptions have come in the form of new technology that either has created