The next Battlefront for East African Retail Industry is Online

  Kenya’s retail industry has continued to record positive growth in 2015 and future prospects seems favorable underpinned by a growing middle-class, increasingly sophisticated consumers, the construction of new shopping

Why Big Companies Struggle To Market Online

  For all their rhetoric about a digital future, established firms in most industries still sell mainly through traditional channels, while newcomers seize the virtual territory. Take retail:  Nakumatt, Tuskys

Intellectual Property: Copyright

  Copyright is a legal right given to the authors or creators of works. Under copyright law, the copyright owner has a number of exclusive rights including the right to publish the work, control copying,

The Role of ISO Standards in Africa’s Economy

Trade is crucial for the growth of any country more so African countries most of which envisage growing in double digits. African countries must therefore respond to local and global


Investing can be a daunting task for new entrepreneurs or even employed persons with some savings wanting to invest and make a return. The greatest challenge of investing in a