Compensation Structure for a growing SME

Most start ups and established SMEs deploy the traditional hierarchal functional as their default structure without giving it a second thought.  The assumption is that the company has a great

How to grow your side Hustle

With the ever growing standard  of living shooting up while salary remains constant most of us find ourselves in this unending cycle of overshooting our budgets leaving us constantly frustrated

Post Merger Strategy for Nakumatt-Tuskys

The recent announcement by major Kenyan retailer Nakumatt to merge with its arch rival Tuskys due to its continued struggles has raised a lot of dust in the sector. If

SME Growth through Business Accelerators

African SMEs are major drivers of the continents economy accounting for 70% GDP and employing over 80% of the continent youthful population. Ironically African SMEs are the most underserved in

Radical Risk Taking: Entrepreneurship Myth

Today’s African society is filled with the romantic notion of seemingly successful entrepreneurs who have gone all out and risked everything to start their business venture and succeeded at it.

SME failure due to paradox of Originality and Success

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man- George Bernard