Freelancers: Talent pool SMEs can tap in the gig economy

SMEs due to their nature are resource constraint in all meaning of the word. Founders lack vital skills required to successfully manage the business, cash flow challenges and inability to attract quality talent among other challenges.

The past decade has also seen a rise in digital labor sharing platforms such as Lynk, Littlecab and Upwork among many other platforms. These digital labor platforms has served as an avenue for providing employment and also an opportunity for micro, small and medium sized business access to affordable but high quality labor.

For example an SME can easily and affordably access digital marketing services, website designer, and blogger for hire.

SME owners must ensure they reap maximum benefit from such talent by; for starters having a solid growth plan or strategic plan as some would call it with a realistic budget to ensure that one is not carried away with the hype of hiring an expert.

Second SMEs must ensure that the talent being outsourced is not a function that can easily be found within the company and last but not least SME must have very clear terms of reference spelled out to act as a framework and standard for work to be done by the freelancer.