The 2018 world cup is here with us and most of us are pretty excited about the prospects of best football players the world over are clashing for a single
A bulk of an entrepreneur’s time is mostly spent attending start up events, social gathering and general networking with different stakeholders such as potential investors among others. In today’s business
Side hustle has always been considered to be the forte of underpaid employees seeking to shore up their incomes to meet their basic needs. Often it’s associated with small business
Digital disruption has quickly become a critical concern for business leaders in Kenya and Africa. The retail sector in Kenya has struggles over the last decade with main players Uchumi
Private pharmacies in Kenya and Africa in general have traditionally been the first point of contact for healthcare for the general population. For the longest time now, private local pharmacies
The other day the World Bank released its latest report on ease of doing business in which Kenya had reportedly moved up 21 places from 113th last year to 92nd
Today’s African society is filled with the romantic notion of seemingly successful entrepreneurs who have gone all out and risked everything to start their business venture and succeeded at it.